Journal Question #1
The 5W's: Who, What, Where, Why & When
Who: Tiffany Griffin
What: Tiffany Griffin talks about the issue of teen virginity and pregnancy which is all caused by peer pressure.
Where: Peer pressure of teens happens mostly at school
Why: Some teens think its "cool" to lose their virginity just to fit in.
When: Teens mostly lose their virginity around 18 years old because of peer pressure
I absolutely agree with this article. I believe every teen should take the time to read this article and listen to the message the author is sending out. This article talks about how young teens get pressured to lose their virginity and they usually end up doing it just to be cool. It's all about peer pressure that makes people do what they don't want to do. Smoking, drugs, sex, pregnancy can be causes of peer pressure. In my opinion, I think the whole idea of doing something you don't want to do is stupid. Friends or a boyfriend who pressures someone to lose their virginity aren't what you call "real" friends and boys can sweet talk and make you believe that he's in love with you. If you’re not ready, don't do anything you’ll regret later on in life. And if you don't lose your virginity or do drugs, you're considered uncool by your so-called friends. Who cares! You have to lose everything and who you really are just to be considered "cool." Teens should really listen to those who actually care about them and not do anything they will regret in the future. Most teens regret losing their virginity to the one they THOUGHT they loved. Once you lose something, you can never get it back. It's a tough decision to make but I totally agree with the author which is to wait for marriage! There's no rush, we're young! Some teens get pregnant because some of their friends are. It seems like these teens want to become adults really badly that they want a baby of their own! Why have a baby when they can't even take care of themselves? It's not a very smart choice to make when you're just a teenager. Also, boys can be very manipulative. Boyfriends can say "If you love me, you'll lose your virginity to me." Oh please, if you don't feel it, don't do it as simple as that. Just say NO! A good boyfriend shouldn't even say that in the first place and if you given in to what he said, then you'd likely regret losing your virginity to him. People should really look around and actually see who genuinely cares and loves them and the ones who pretends to care to get something from you. And even if you lost your virginity to your boyfriend, how would you know that they will be there for you forever? What's the point losing something so fast to someone who won't be there all your life. Boyfriends and friends come and go all the time. The ones who pressure you to do somehting you don't want to do are just a waste of your time. Save the best for last which is when you MARRY! Life goes on, there's no need to rush into something you don't want to do.
The 5W's: Who, What, Where, Why & When
Who: Tiffany Griffin
What: Tiffany Griffin talks about the issue of teen virginity and pregnancy which is all caused by peer pressure.
Where: Peer pressure of teens happens mostly at school
Why: Some teens think its "cool" to lose their virginity just to fit in.
When: Teens mostly lose their virginity around 18 years old because of peer pressure
I absolutely agree with this article. I believe every teen should take the time to read this article and listen to the message the author is sending out. This article talks about how young teens get pressured to lose their virginity and they usually end up doing it just to be cool. It's all about peer pressure that makes people do what they don't want to do. Smoking, drugs, sex, pregnancy can be causes of peer pressure. In my opinion, I think the whole idea of doing something you don't want to do is stupid. Friends or a boyfriend who pressures someone to lose their virginity aren't what you call "real" friends and boys can sweet talk and make you believe that he's in love with you. If you’re not ready, don't do anything you’ll regret later on in life. And if you don't lose your virginity or do drugs, you're considered uncool by your so-called friends. Who cares! You have to lose everything and who you really are just to be considered "cool." Teens should really listen to those who actually care about them and not do anything they will regret in the future. Most teens regret losing their virginity to the one they THOUGHT they loved. Once you lose something, you can never get it back. It's a tough decision to make but I totally agree with the author which is to wait for marriage! There's no rush, we're young! Some teens get pregnant because some of their friends are. It seems like these teens want to become adults really badly that they want a baby of their own! Why have a baby when they can't even take care of themselves? It's not a very smart choice to make when you're just a teenager. Also, boys can be very manipulative. Boyfriends can say "If you love me, you'll lose your virginity to me." Oh please, if you don't feel it, don't do it as simple as that. Just say NO! A good boyfriend shouldn't even say that in the first place and if you given in to what he said, then you'd likely regret losing your virginity to him. People should really look around and actually see who genuinely cares and loves them and the ones who pretends to care to get something from you. And even if you lost your virginity to your boyfriend, how would you know that they will be there for you forever? What's the point losing something so fast to someone who won't be there all your life. Boyfriends and friends come and go all the time. The ones who pressure you to do somehting you don't want to do are just a waste of your time. Save the best for last which is when you MARRY! Life goes on, there's no need to rush into something you don't want to do.
You sound very passionate about the subject! It's evident that you were able to connect to the article. Great response.
Hey Anna,
I like how you put ! exclamation marks at some of your sentences to add that extra voice. I agree with how you responded to the article because I also think that a lot of sensitive issues in our society such as sex and pregnancy, are caused by peer pressure. I think that it's more subtle than just a boyfriend telling and forcing a girl to give up her virginity for him. No one really says it out loud, but you can tell if someone feels uncomfortable doing something that they do not really want to do. I agree how teenagers should just be smart, think twice and say "NO", but I think now in our modern day society, that's easier said than done. I think teenagers just need to b educated more on issues about sex so that they will be able to think and make their decisions once they have all the facts. If teens don't know, then it would be a very cloudy judgement. But even though we can try to come up with ideas and plans to reduce sexual activity and teen pragnancy, it solely relies on the person and you can't tell them what to do and what not to do. In the end, I think the only answer is that if teens decide to lose their virginity, they must live up to their responsibilites and understand the consequences, good or bad.
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